Nothing much to say, really--this page is here mainly to trap those folks who see the dickbaker.org domain name on my email address and decide to see what's here.

I maintain three web sites for special interests of mine, the Goon Show, Dick Two Ton Baker, and the Stomp Off Records Project:

The U.S. Archives of the Goon Show Preservation Society is for enthusiasts of the classic BBC radio comedy show of the 1950s.

The Dick Two Ton Baker home page pays tribute to the music and career of Two Ton Baker (no relation), entertainer supreme in Chicago throughout the 1940s and '50s.

The Stomp Off Records Project is a listing of the 4,000 tunes that have appeared on Stomp Off (early jazz and ragtime) over the years, with research notes on titles and composers.

Tailgate Ramblings 1971-1981 contains copies of the first 11 years of the newsletter of the Potomac River Jazz Club of Washington, D.C. These scans will ultimately appear on the Club's website, but for now I've put them online for anyone who's interested.

I spent a month touring Australia and New Zealand a while back and have put up a short, egotistical video about a couple of the adventures I had there. Feel free to give it a look.

In preparation for moving from my house in Auburn, CA, to a nearby old folks home, I've put up a page of the various items of furniture, framed art, tools, and electronics that I'm parting with in a painful downsizing exercise. See it here.

Dick Baker
Auburn, California
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